Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Good waste of time
Via Sugarmama, I was led to I don't think's nice little propagating meme of "Ten Songs I Didn't Choose." If you follow these links, you'll see that they are downstream propagations but I'm not going any further toward the headwater.
The idea is fairly simple: First, open your music player of choice (cough) iTunes! (cough) then set the play to "random" or "shuffle" and list the first ten songs played "no matter how embarrassing."
I'm not embarrassed at these:
1. She Said She Said - The Beatles
2. Once Bitten Twice Shy - Great White
3. Wondrous Stories - Yes
4. Well All Right - Santana
5. No Plane on Sunday - Jimmy Buffett
6. Return to Planet Earth - Kim Fox
7. Simple Twist of Fate - Bob Dylan
8. Dreamland (Live) - Joni Mitchell
9. Pretzel Logic - Steely Dan
10. Sunday - The Cranberries

Well, the Great White maybe but that came off the "Harley-Davidson Road Songs" compilation discs. There are other, better songs there. And two songs have the word Sunday in the title. That's a coincidence. Maybe I should waste a few hours trying to figure the statisical likelihood of that. (sound of distant laughter....)

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