Thursday, December 22, 2005

New On The Blogroll
I've added Brian Tiemann's Peeve Farm ("Breeding peeves for show, not just to keep as pets") to the sidebar as I had the sudden revelation that I check it every day. It's Mac-centric but done with rationality and thought, not Cult of Mac excess. Plus he finds good info and posts about it. There's a very good look at the prospects for the coming MacTel machines if you scroll to the Tuesday, Dec. 20 post.
I think the clincher for shoehorning the listing into the blogroll was his posts about Chipotle (the eatery) and one just opened in my neighborhood. I will probably get lunch there either today or tomorrow. He's had really good experiences with them (them being a scion from the McDonald's main trunk) so it's well worth the trying. Finally I have an option other than Tac O'bell for spanglish food.
The Venn diagram of Peeve Farm and BlogDog's politics would probably reveal a rather substantial overlap as well. As much as I love and respect my co-blogger, he likes "The Boondocks" and I will hate it for it's idiot liberal claptrappery with a certain abated heat. It did make me laugh when it had a strip making George Lucas's misbegotten JarJar Binks into JabariJabari Binkara - a fierce adherent of ther Nation of Islam. Peeve Farm seems to agree with my dislike. Good on ya.

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