Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Loose Ends
Well, not really loose but part of the little dailiness of life that regular clogs up the blogs of piffling writers such as ... I keep coming back to "me" to finish that sentence. Dang.
File this under "love that interweb thing" or "this doesn't entirely make sense to me." I have a battery back-up for the base station of my house phones. You know the type of phone where there's one main base and three "satellite" phones that only plug into power. I figured it made sense to have the base station on battery back-up since each phone would run on its internal battery in the event of power failure. Of course, after the passage of several years, the battery in the back up device slipped into beeping senescence. Bargle flarg! I have to replace the internal battery. My first try, having found the dead cheapest replacement on the web, funked out as the battery I got was a two-cell version when I needed the one-cell version. But the return process was painless and I was out only the shipping.
Today I finally decided to get the right battery. I checked the manufacturer's website but found the proper battery to be just a wee bit more expensive than I preferred. So, of course, I checked Amazon. Heh. Bezos Inc. not only had it cheaper than the maker, but it was available at a few bucks less from Office Depot via Amazon. But (lotsa buts in the story), after setting up my order for the Office Depot version, I double checked and found that it was actually cheaper to pay Amazon more for the battery itself and opt for free "Super Saver" shipping. That just so rocks. I also bought the DVD of "Firefly" having become a slavering fan-boy upon seeing "Serenity."
Also, I recently ordered one of these headlamps. I gave one to Lycurgus for Christmas by using his wish list. I hadn't seen one in person before. It's the sweetest little four LED headlamp ever because it has an integrated headband. Most headbands are just that - big, bulky bands. This one has a retractable headstrap so you could put it on your wrist just as easily as on your forehead. Damnably clever. My bedside lamp is not really enough to read by but with my cyclopean book light .... Life could be a lot worse.

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