Sunday, October 05, 2008

On Time Weekend Embed
We return to those hazy days of the mid-1980s when MTV ruled the known universe and a remarkable confluence of talent conjoined to produce the music and lyrics of "Chess." My first hearing of "One Night in Bangkok" was enough to make me rush off to buy the CDs. The music was certainly good but the intelligence of the lyrics really sold me: "Tea, girls, warm and sweet/ some are set up in the Somerset Maugham Suite." Not that often you get literate references in popular music. Though, it's being part of a musical might mitigate that circumstance. In my estimation, this is one of the "must have" CD sets of all time. The embed is not even the best song. "I Know Him So Well," "Heaven Help My Heart" and "Anthem" are all superb.
Nonetheless, here's the lead-out song for your delectation:

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