Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Season Is Over
I suppose this will be my final post about Atlantic Cycling for '05 as this Sunday saw the last official ride of the year. There will be a pick-up ride later but as it will be unsupported, I probably won't be involved. This last ride was out of Chestertown, MD and it never ceases to amaze me how delightful and quaint the Eastern Shore can be. These are charming little towns and the flat terrain makes for pretty good rides (I've heard). Next year I plan to ride a couple of them as well as run support on the others. Lord willin' and the crick don't rise.
The day dawned overcast as I was on the road (a two hour drive to the start is pretty easy when you're up before 90% of the drivers) which is good as it kept the day cooler than it might have otherwise been. The over cast burned off in the late morning so the long riders were out in some heat but it was not blazing so I think it was of little consequence. Definitely a cooler ride than the Easton ride that preceded it. My rest stop was at a marina on Warton Creek where the gentleman taking care of the place could not have been more accomodating or more friendly. It was a pleasure to set up in his venue. I'm embarrassed, however, that the watermelon I got was not up to snuff. I've had such good luck getting melons at Costco that I didn't adequately test the one I brought to this ride. It was OK and that I'd refrigerated it helped but it was starting to show its age.
Still, the riders were appreciative even as I apologized so I feel that it wasn't a big problem. Thank goodness. Actually, the riders were wonderful. They hit my stop after riding some 50 of 65 miles so they have every right to be tired, worn and cranky but they just weren't. They were cheery and friendly. Which really makes running a rest stop a pleasure. I even had the chance to drag out my rusty Chinese and Japanese with a few riders. Not a one of which was of oriental heritage, mind you. They were nice about my hideously rusty Zhongwen and Nihongo.
My year of ride support has been a blast. The people who are Atlantic cycling have been wonderful. The riders have been great. And the riders have given us good feedback about what we've done for them so it feels good. I look forward to continuing my association with this great buch of people next year.

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