Friday, August 18, 2006

Movin' To The Country
My favorite purveyor of peaches has Loring freestone yellow and New Jersey white peaches currently for sale and I must say these two varieties may be the best of the season. The Loring are flavorful and the term "freestone" hardly does them justice. Cut open the peach and the pit will fall out of its own volition. How conVEENient! And the flavor of the New Jersey is just top notch. I wish someone would make a white peach sorbet. That sort of perfume-y delicate flavor with a sort of vanilla overtone is just ... well, if you've had a good white peach, you know what I'm talking about.
And speaking of crops, I made another step toward the pepper jelly. The recipe calls for liquid fruit pectin and all I could find at my local Safeway was powdered pectin. I bought a couple of boxes but I wanted what the recipe called for. So (stop me if you've heard this from me before) I searched Amazon now that amazon is doing groceries. Bingo! And I bought some Zatarains gumbo mixes to get free shipping. I like gumbo. I really should learn how to make it myself.

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