Thursday, July 16, 2009

Does anyone have the visceral negative reaction I have to those "human landscape" Toyota Prius ads? Humans as fungus or quivering slime molds. Yeah, that'll make me want a Prius. And they introduce a pretty cool feature in solar powered cooling. But still, ugh.
Almost as creepy are the ads for Microsoft's Bing. People spouting off random nonsense at the provocation of some random word. Good god people. You're frickin' Microsoft! And that's the best you can do? Pretty soon I'll be turning away from those and staying on gotdam freek reddit report dot kom ads (no one will ever find THAT in a Google search!)


Kris said...

Ugh, I hate those Prius ads too. I couldn't really put my finger on *why*, but human fungi seems to capture the essence pretty well. They're just icky. I always ALWAYS change the channel or ffwd when one comes on.

Dr.Hardcrab said...

I cringe every time I see/hear a CashPoint commercial...