Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Oh Come ON People!
There has been much hoohah and foofaraw on teh intarwebz lately about the idea that hotdogs should be be "redesigned" as they present a choking hazard and, sadly, a four year old recently suffered that fate.
I feel for the loss of the child but as for the idea of a "hotdog redesign," it's already been done. It's called bologna.


Phillymon said...

Or maybe they could rename lutefiske and call it "hotdog". Then kids would be in no danger of choking since no one would be able to get them to attempt to eat a "hotdog". Except for some Norwegian kids...

BlogDog said...

I knew there was another way to solve this vexing problem.

Phillymon said...

Here's a hotdog redesign...
