Monday, March 01, 2010

Today's Moment Of WTF
Two posts about rectilinear fish products? What is on my mind?
For that matter, I'm getting together with a good friend of mine for dinner near the ides of the month and as it stands, the only place I'm really interested in going, mostly because I haven't been yet, is a restaurant called "Hooked" which (wait for it ...) specializes in fish. Personally, I want to see what their sushi is like.

And a brief note on mass storage. I continue to be amazed at how insanely affordable giant, mountain-sized hard drives have become. Today's wubbawubbawubba (shake your head like a bulldog when you say that) moment is a Fantom Green 2 TB USB 2.0 drive for $194 at Holy cow. You could store your whole life on that thing. Unless you were Obama in which case it would only hold an itty bitty part of your ego.
UPDATE: It was a good deal. Dealhack reports that it's sold out.


Phillymon said...

Hooked looks pretty good. Be sure to post a review after dining...

BlogDog said...


Anonymous said...

На этом хорошем новостном портале вы сможете узнать, что такое создание сателлитов, настройка Wordpess%сайт сателлит. Кроме этого вы найдете для себя еще кое-какие интересные достижения успеха. Окунитесь в экзотический мир, где ваши электронные деньги становятся реальностью! You are welcome! Be happy!

BlogDog said...

I tend to disagree but you have some good points.